Vison Statement

Where we're coming from…

For Christians:

 In regards to college-

At the beginning of time, God gave this command to Adam "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over [it]" (Genesis 1:28). This is the Creation Mandate, and it still applies today. We are supposed to be working hard, striving after excellence on this earth (Philippians 4:8), that we might bring glory to our Creator. Paul makes it very clear that Christians are supposed to be hard at work (2 Thessalonians 3:10-12). Ultimately, of course, our chief purpose is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever (Westminster Shorter Catechism Q&A number one) and to love Him with our whole being, that is, with our heart, soul, mind, and strength (Matthew 22:37). We believe that the fulfillment of these commands in the individual lives can take many different forms. So long as a person is biblically and uprightly pursuing these things, we believe that they are striving after what they ought to be striving after. We do not find college to be a prerequisite for the fulfillment of these God-given commands, and want to be supportive of individuals who are truly and wisely seeking to glorify God by following an alternative path to the normal college program. This is not to say that we believe that college is unbiblical, but rather:

Our conviction is that, for many people, college may not be necessary for them to fulfill what we believe to be their calling.

In regards to young women-

When God created mankind, he made them male and female, both with different and yet complementary roles. God says in Genesis 2:18 "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him". Proverbs 31 speaks very highly of the excellent wife. Titus 2:3-5 speaks of a call for older women to teach younger women to be excellent wives and mothers. We believe that, overall, the Bible is telling us that the normal role for women is to be wives and mothers. This does not mean that there are no exceptions (for example, Paul speaks about the role of being single in 1 Corinthians 7). But usually, when Paul speaks about men and women, he does it in the context of the role of wives alongside of the role of husbands (for example, Ephesians 5:22-33). When Paul does this, he instructs wives to be submissive helpers to their husbands. Also, Titus 2:5 speaks of women "working at home". Our belief is that usually women are to be homemakers, serving and facilitating their families, guiding their children, ministering to the church, etc. We have many examples of excellent women in the Bible, from Sarah, Abraham's wife, to Eunice, the mother of Timothy. Our conviction is simply that, as young ladies, we as individuals do not find it to be necessary for us to go to college to fulfill what we believe to be God's calling for us

For those who are not Christians:

As Christians, we believe that we were created by God and should therefore obey His laws, but have failed to do this, and therefore have committed "sin"-disobeying God. But God sent Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who is both God and man to die on a cross, thus taking the punishment that we deserved for disobeying, and freeing us from our guilt, reconciling us to God so that we can live for eternity with Him in heaven after our deaths. In light of what God has done for us, as Christians we seek to glorify God in every facet of our lives. We seek to have a biblical perspective on life. The two of us, and others who think the way that we do, believe that biblically speaking we are all called to "take dominion"-to pursue excellence in all plausible vocations in this life, for the glory of God. We believe that we should be doing everything that we do for His glory. We believe that our individual calling should be very much centered on Him, and how we pursue those callings should be focused on Him. With this understanding of how, as Christians, we seek to make decisions, and find our understanding about our lives based on the revealed will of God in his Word, the Bible, please read the above paragraphs. They lay out where we find the basis for our position in the Bible.